Jamieson Primary School Handbook
Learning together respectfully to achieve our very best.
Jamieson Primary School
Welcome to the Jamieson School Community.
We hope to see you often at the school gates, at assemblies and events and in our classrooms throughout the year. There are plenty of opportunities to be involved in school life – from volunteering to read with our students to working bees to parent helpers on camps and excursions.
Please note that we welcome nominations for school council in February and that non-councillors are welcome to observe our regular meetings.
We look forward to regular conversations regarding your child’s academic, social and emotional experience at Jamieson Primary School. Feel free to contact us through the below avenues if you wish to arrange a meeting to discuss your child’s progress during working hours.
Principal Sonja Kalbitzer sonja.Kalbitzer@education.vic.gov.au
Teachers Genevieve De Santis genevieve.DeSantis@education.vic.gov.au
Victorian Vaughan victorian.vaughan@education.vic.gov.au
Education Support Anne-Marie Wetmore ann-marie.wetmore@education.vic.gov.au
Facility Manager Neil Wetmore neil.wetmore@education.vic.gov.au
Business Manager Pauline De Bono Pauline.Debono@education.vic.gov.au
Administration Sally Fletcher sally.fletcher@education.vic.gov.au
Contact Details:
Jamieson Primary School
1 The sideling
Jamieson. Vic. 3723
03 5777 0535
0474 836 916
Vision and Values
At Jamieson Primary School, our vision is to foster and support in each child the development of: Love of Learning, Sense of Self, and Commitment to Community.
School Motto
Learning together respectfully to achieve our very best.
From this come the four values:
Collaboration Respect Persistence Confidence
History of our School
Plans for schooling at Jamieson commenced in 1862 when a local committee made an application for the establishment of a common school at the Jamieson Goldfield. Unfortunately, this application was refused. The application was renewed in 1864 and Jamieson School 788 was commenced in the Catholic Chapel during February 1865. By October of the same year, the aid was withdrawn, and the school closed.
In 1863 a school, housed in a single wooden structure was built on the present site, which also made provision for the original Jamieson Cemetery. Jamieson School 814 opened officially on 20th October 1865 with Andrew Loughrey, the Head Teacher and 51 children. In the same year, the school was rebuilt as a two-room structure of local hand-made bricks.
By 1877, gold sluicing activities boosted the population of Jamieson to approximately 4,000 and attendances at the school reached 217. The enrolments fluctuated and gradually declined from 100 to 50 pupils. In 1870, there were 28 pupils - one hundred years later in 1970, the number of pupils was the same.
In 1983 the school underwent a major renovation and improvements, thereby creating two separate classrooms, a library and an office area. A further major upgrade took place 2009, with the addition of a large kitchen/learning area and sports storage space. Further funding in 2011 enabled us to replace the toilet block and provide undercover protection between the two main buildings.
In 2015, the school celebrated its 150th anniversary
Starting School
Starting school is a major life transition for both your child and the family. Both challenging and exciting, it is a time of change in which children, families and educators adjust to new roles, identities, expectations, interactions, and relationships.
Jamieson Primary School has a dedicated and flexible transition program and is committed to developing relationships with students and families early in the year. Prior to your child commencing their first year at JPS there will be opportunities to meet staff and participate in organised transition mornings, during Term 4.
We look forward to working with you to provide educational programs which meet the needs of your child.
We are a family-oriented school where all students look after each other and parents and carers are welcomed and encouraged to be a part of their child’s education. We believe that education is a partnership between home and school and look forward to a happy association with you.
We hope that you find the following information useful as a starting point in getting to know our school. Please feel free however, to visit the school at any time to see first-hand what our school has to offer or ring the school to make an appointment with the principal.
We hope that you will enjoy being part of our school community.
Learning and Teaching at JPS
Learning and Teaching at Jamieson Primary School is built around the use of a consistent, evidence-based pedagogy across the two classrooms, levels and disciplines. Using the Gradual Release of Responsibility as the framework, instruction is structured into four fluid phases designed to provide purposeful teaching and common language to develop engaged, self-motivated and independent learners and critical thinkers.
Gradual Release of Responsibility
The Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) is a pedagogical framework that we aim to see embedded across all classrooms and disciplines at Jamieson Primary School. The GRR Model is a cycle of learning and teaching based around four instructional phases - Focussed Teaching, Guided Instruction,
Collaborative Learning, Independent Learning. We implement and foster the Gradual Release of Responsibility through a Whole-Small-Whole approach of learning and teaching (I do, we do, you do it together, you do it).
The Victorian Curriculum F-10 is the curriculum for Victorian schools. It incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian standards and priorities. The curriculum is accessed from the Victorian Curriculum F-10 website.
All students will receive some form of homework, as per our homework policy, and this will look different for the junior students and senior students. It may also be differentiated to cater to your child’s individual learning needs. Homework revises and reinforces what is being taught in the classroom and encourages good habits such as daily reading.
Other curricular activities
1. LOTE (Languages Other Than English) - German in taught at the school through a combination of teacher instruction and online learning.
2. Skiing - Every attempt will be made to offer a skiing program of some sort. This may look different from year to year.
3. ICT - The school has been able to integrate computer technology into the daily activities of the children. Student are expected to sign an Acceptable Use Agreement For Internet and Digital Technologies.
4. The Arts - Visual, music instruction and performing arts will be offered on a rotational basis throughout the year.
5. Cooking - Cooking lessons will be held at various times throughout the year and may form part of the Physical Education Program or Science.
6. Camps & Excursions - Our school offers a camps & excursion programme that changes from year to year. Every year the High-Country Cluster of schools (Merrijig & Jamieson,) provide a 4 or 5-day camp for children in Grades 3-6. Destinations in recent years have included Sovereign Hill Ballarat, with a two-day costume school experience, Tooma, Bendigo, Beechworth and Canberra as part of a Civics & Citizenship focus. The whole school participates in an overnight camp which will usually be locally based.
7. Tennis Lessons - Tennis lessons are conducted by a professional tennis coach. Lessons are conducted at the local tennis court. The school makes every effort to fund these sessions, as part of the PE program, through a grant.
8. Sports - The senior children participate in the local Mansfield District Swimming Event and the whole school enjoys swimming lessons as well as a Swimming Carnival between Merrijig & Jamieson. Further grants, if successful, provide access to basketball coaching, ten-pin bowls and lawn bowls. Students will also participate in formal PE instruction as mandated by the Department of Education.
9. MARC Library Van - This service provides a qualified teacher delivering library books and a lesson to the students once a fortnight. The children are able to access a wide range of reading and multi-media for enjoyment and as a resource. Teachers also have access to reference materials and teaching sets.
10. Community Involvement - The children are an integral part of the whole community, and we endeavour to take the students ‘out and about’ locally as much as possible. Where and when practical community service may be offered to some of our elderly residents as well as giving back to the community by having rubbish pick-up days etc. The students are invited to participate in important events such as the ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies. The school keeps an active eye on events happening within the community and engages with events where it is deemed appropriate.
Things to Know
Jamieson Primary School strives for an excellent record of attendance. We continue to promote the importance of coming to school daily and being on time each day. Every Day at School Counts!
Please ensure that your child is at school on time, every day. Of course, if he or she is sick, the best place is at home. When a child is marked as absent, we are required by law, by the Department of Education, to follow up on the day (where possible) the reason for the child’s absence. Parent contact regarding absence prior or on the day helps our small staff immensely. How can you do this: with a phone call by you on the day, direct conversation with staff or a handwritten note.
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders are available on Thursday. Lunch orders are supplied by the General Store in Jamieson. Lunch orders are to be placed directly with the store on Thursday mornings.
Bell Times
Commencement 9 a.m.
Lunch Break 11.15 a.m.- 12.00 pm. (This includes 15 minutes of whole school eating time)
Recess 1.30 p.m.- 2 p.m.
Dismissal 3.15 p.m.
Students may ride their bikes to and from school but need to adhere to all rules and regulations around bike riding such as the wearing of helmets and observance of traffic rules. No responsibility is taken for theft or damage to bicycles stored at the school.
School Notices
A school newsletter is sent home fortnightly, on a Thursday. These letters contain details of coming events and sometimes require an answer so please read them carefully. Please check your child's schoolbag for any notices that may be sent home. Notices and newsletters will continue to be sent as a hard copy but also distributed via Compass (once operational) and potentially via a new FB page.
Keep an eye out for our updated website - www.jamiesonps.vic.edu.au
School Fees & Parent Contributions
In line with current government policy, parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution to the school each year. Jamieson School asks parents to contribute $170 per child. These funds are vital to our capacity to deliver the personalised programs that make small schools unique.
Parents will be advised of the costs of excursions such as pool entry fees, theatre performances etc and will be billed for those items as they arise, and payment requested prior to the event.
Books & Supplies
The government provides money on a per capita basis for the provision of essential basic student supplies. Parents are asked to contribute the supply of reference books and everyday materials used by the students. This is all included in the $160 Parent Payment request.
Car Parking
For safety reasons parents are asked to park in the drive-through area on The Sideling side of the school.
N.B The area directly in front of the school in Chenery St. is a No Standing Zone. A Traffic Management Plan is in place for this and can be viewed at the school.
The school has a Uniform Policy endorsed by School Council and all children are encouraged to wear it at all times. Some items can be purchased from the school. At times, we also have 2nd hand uniforms for sale.
Royal blue polo shirt embossed with the school logo.
Short sleeved - $22.50
Long sleeved - $24.75
Grey or black trousers/track pants/shorts/leggings/skirts/skorts
Royal blue polar fleece half-zip jacket with logo embossed.
School Hoodie
School summer dress available from the school uniform stock.
Size 6 - $45.00
Sizes 8 & 10 - $50.00
Size 12 - $58.00
Reversible bucket hat. Hats must be worn during sports and break times in Terms 1 and 4.
1st one is provided and subsequent hats $9.00
Student reporting
Your child will receive a written report twice a year, in terms 2 and 4. Informal parent teacher ‘chats’ will be conducted in term 1 to share any important information. Your child will be assessed against the Victorian Curriculum. Hardcopies will be sent home as well as being accessible via Compass.
To enable the school to offer the wide range of programs, facilities, and subsidies, we need to raise a certain amount of funds each year. The types of fundraising events run will vary from year to year. Information about these will be shared in the school’s newsletter.
School Council
Every primary school is responsible through its own School council for the school curriculum policy. It also initiates changes and looks after finances, buildings, grounds and fundraising. Elections are held in March each year. All parents are eligible to stand for election and to vote.
Jamieson Primary School is on the Department of Education Bushfire At Risk Register (BARR) which means our school is considered to be at a higher risk from bushfire.
Our school will not operate from its usual location when fire danger conditions in the local area are extreme. We are required to close on any CODE RED days. Notification will be provided as early as possible.
Breakfast Club - Extended hours of supervision
Jamieson Primary School will be offering extended supervision hours from 8.00am to 4.00pm.
Breakfast is available at school to all students each day from 8.15 – 8.45am. Having a good breakfast makes a huge difference to learning. Then from 3.15pn to 4.00pm, a light snack and drink will be provided. This service comes at no charge to families.
Our Commitment to Child Safety
Our organisation is committed to child safety.
We want children to be safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers.
We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children.
We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our robust policies and procedures.
All staff and volunteers at the school must hold a Working With Children’s Check.
We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.
Our organisation is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, removing and reducing these risks.
Our organisation has robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers.
Our organisations is committed to regularly training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks.
We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers. We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.
We have specific policies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff and volunteers to achieve these commitments.
If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.
Behaviour Management
We expect that children will:
Allow teachers to teach, children to learn without disruption. treat everyone fairly so that they feel safe in the classrooms and playground.
At Jamieson Primary School we have clear classroom and playground behaviour management flowcharts. The behavioural expectations and consequences are regularly revisited with our students.